all this week i've been sinus problems. lots of snottiness, making me cough, sore throat in the morning and generally cranky. and i'm fucking sick of it. so, you know what?
Fuck You, Sinuses! and a Happy Fuck You Friday to all!!!!!

now, go to
MG's site to play and/or comment and check out everyone else's.
Man, I love saying "fuck". fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.
Most EXECELLENT, I'm LOVIN that flip off pic!
Yeah, every now and then you just gotta say FUCK... :)
Have a great one!
OK.... that's a fucking disturbing picture of you... cool effects though. Good Fuck You Friday to you!
Hi SSM, sorry to hear about the sinuses, can entirely empathise as I've had sinus trouble for a few years now. Most distressing aspects being the thick n' gunky post-nasal drip and the horrendous snoring (apparently - hrrumph!) laaarvleee! Good thing I'm not single, I'd never find a partner, unless I never ever go to sleep again!
Dear Snot Ball...
Fuck u, phuck ewe, and fuk you Good Fuck you friday..telescope boy!
Nasty foto, but I did seem to recollect actually seeing you like this once, but I had been drinking so it could have been anybody..
are you sitting on the toilet?!?!?!?
...that's just....wait for it.....fucked!
Sinuses bleh.
have a great F-U Friday, sweetcheeks
Very Nice. Hope you feel better. A little whiskey will help calm the sinuses. Remember to drink it though.
Happy Fuck You Friday
Great pic!
Sorry about your sinuses! I don't have to worry about mine any more!
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
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