Friday, June 08, 2007

WAAAH! Saddam Wouldn't Let Us In! WAAAH!!!

this is what absolutely kills me about our politicians, the media and the populace that doesn't read, ask or wonder.
anyone who followed the rush to war with iraq knows that the UN had inspectors in iraq for quite a while and, towards the end, they were being given unfettered access to sites, because saddam realized the serious situation he was in with george bush. when the inspectors "left", they did so because bush told them to get out as he was about to bomb and couldn't guarantee their safety.
for a presidential candidate to say otherwise shows him to either be a liar or a fool. for the media to allow him to get away with it (and, as well, the other presidential candidates to not call him on it) shows it to hold the populace in utter disregard. meaning: the politicians and the media look upon us as a foot does the cockroach.
that we, as a nation, have continued to swallow bush's load of bullshit disgusts me.

one result of all of this is this.


ScarySquirrelMan said...

...fuck off?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm a mainstream media low-IQ fuck. If it's not on FoxNews, it's just not true.

I believe Mitt. He's GOT to know the facts!

Hey, last night on Meet The Press, Colin Powell said 'I never would have gone to the UN if I didn't believe Saddam had WMD. Even tho he was a bad guy, that's no reason to go to war, but once my SUPERIORS presented me with the intelligence that Saddam had WMD, I went to the UN.' (obviously paraphrasing).

Not 'when I saw the CIA intelligence.' Or the Army intelligence. Or eyes-on from a crack recon team. Or even a couple of Black-Ops mercs.

From his SUPERIORS. Who were his superiors? Rove. Bush.

That's about it.

When will someone scream 'WAR CRIME' at Bush?? Ever????

Anonymous said...

See? MSNBC. Mainstream media.

Of course, I haven't heard squat since then...

ScarySquirrelMan said...

colin powell is such the gentleman (to a friggin' fault) that he can never bring himself to criticize this administration. even though he was squeezed out for not be a nuke-happy cowboy. his former chief aide (wilkerson), however, carries no such qualms and i often wonder if he isn't merely going public with what powell thinks.
perhaps, powell is still extremely humiliated that he trusted these criminals to his detriment.