Wednesday, June 27, 2007

now he's part of the executive branch, but the order still doesn't apply to him? or the president? excuse me for coughing sputum violently into my hand while i try to keep from shitting out the Constitution i was forcefed a while back by republican operatives. give me a fucking break.
first, dick cheney claims that the National Archives have no oversight concerning his emails, letters, etc, because he's not amember of the Execiutive Branch seeing as how he technically presides over the House of Representatives (if there's a tie vote he's called in to break it). then, under massive scrutiny and witnessing massive outrage, his lawyers realize he's not actually disassociated from said branch. but he still says he's exempt from congressional oversight.
whose government is this, people? his or ours? huh? we have an administration that's been rewriting the rules since day one and we've sat passively by as the Constitution has been trampled and our civil liberties have bee taken away and yet we do nothing.
we let this cretin come in and rule by fiat. and fear. and intimidation. wake the fuck up, folks. as long as you say nothing, we all lose.


Katie :) said...

He must be a Libra- never able to make up his mind?

Dottie and Mike said...

to the previous post, sorry, bad timing blah, blah, blah comma...I want to go to O'Farrel's so bad I can smell the rancid ejaculate on the cold humid concrete floor.........................

Dottie and Mike said...

to this post...really, it's all too "out of our reach" and "can't do much about it" and "alcohol won't fix it so why worry about it"...I know it's your thing and this is not a critizism (it's not okay?) but whaT THE FUCK ARE WE SUPOSODED TO DO ABOUT IT. No I mean really, march and chant in the street, blindly vote third party in mass (won't work, Americans love to vote for the "winner"), stop paying taxes, use capital letters in blog responses...I mean really. Or maybe, wait this could work, the use of more periods in sequence of threes. Yes, it might just work...

Can you tell I figured out my password. I forgot it for awhile. Now, if could get lecram sinun, SSM, or mustang to spend 90 seconds with me so that I could figure out how to setup my blog page the way I want, I would never want anything again for the rest of my life.

the composter

Anonymous said...

okay, here's the thing. You KNOW I agree with you all of the time, but YOU have to agree that the office of the VP is a shady area of designation. The guy IS the head of a legislative branch and truly doesn't have any real say in the executive branch.

The constitution doesn't yet deal with where the VP stands.

Having said that, it's FUNNY (Jack Nicholson, 'A Few Good Men' "funny") that the VP can say he's not an executive while Dubya can cry 'executive priv'ledge' about his subpoena.

Good golly...can't Ted Kennedy just muster up an army and stage a coup already???

Mustang said...

Dick sucks...