hi. i'm back. so sorry you all had to do without me for an extended period of time. sucked for me, too. okay, not really. sbc's incompetence actually allowed me to spend a few days and evenings catching up on films i hadn't watched in a while. sunday's threepack of jersey girl, jay and silent bob strike back and dogma was a nice treat for a very hungover squirrel.
so, i'm back in the 'no and back online. the trip down was fairly noneventful aside from the cat peeing on itself 15 minutes into the drive, a 45 minute oregon refueling fiasco, no sleep until just below stockton on I-5, broken payphones at 4 rest areas in a row in northern california when i needed to call my new landlord to see if he could meet me the next morning to let me into my new place and arriving on the last sweltering day of the summer's first heatwave.
but now i have to go eat and sleep. in that order. i think. the weather's perfect, the breeze just right, how can one not want to nosh and nap?
About fucking time. Now let's get into some serious ranting! Not that I'll bother to read all of it, but at least things will be back to normal.
Welcome home...
Partay at SSM's! Been a while since we had a good home trashing! All these prissy pics of his prissy place. Time to make him a real Man Joint!
whatever. Ever heard of CEL PHONES??
I mean, really? Pay phones???
Here's a rant for you: people who get fired over thier blogs. My friend Jessa just got canned...a sexy marine zoologist, who never said a single bad thing about any of her jobs.
Sorry for the long linkline to the story including her.
try this link again...
rant about what? the story reads like they all did well after being fired. maybe i should have refused to take my company's name from the one post i mentioned them in.
nice yard!
Hmpfh. I don't let my horses in the kitchen.
Nice digs ssm. I'll be in the NO in August. Looking forward to visiting the new patio and having a chat.
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