so, i work in an engineering lab. i've been doing this for 5 years now and have become way too proficient in the knowledge of soils and concrete (what it is, does, doesn't want to and shouldn't under any circumstances). if you land safely on an airport runway or arrive safely after a long or short road trip; if you survive an earthquake, because your building didn't collapse...you can thank me in part).
but it wasn't until i came to my current employer that i began to really learn about the black stuff your wheels grip. with that in mind, i present to you this pictorial tribute to my current passion. the stuff that keeps you safe. the road of happy returns: Ass-Fault. because no man should drive there alone.
HNT is a good thing. visit all of them. now, dammit!
Deja vu. You men all look pretty much the same from that angle. ;)
Not how I was expecting to begin my evening but well done and thanks for sharing,
Cheers! :D
Happy HNT
time for a new pair of pants, man. cheers and happy hnt.
p.s. good talking to you today.
yes, and don't you hate it when there's a crack in the ass-fault and all anybody wants to do is cold patch it?
BTW you've been tagged... check out this post
eeeek!! hahaha. happy hnt
lol, great shot!
Happy HNT!
ass-fault... LOL!! hehehe
I think your pants are a tad big, but it's not a bad view or anything. Happy HNT!
Oh lookee! You have a heart-shaped patch of hair just above your ass-fault! A new twist to wearing it on your sleeve!
for the record, i worked hard to yank those shorts down far enough to get cheeky. i've got an athlete's ass, not a Ditch Bank Okie's. it's the same as the difference between a balustrade and a bas relief. one seeks its outer limits while the other emulates atlantis.
but thank you all for your comments.
APJ: nothing wrong with a little cold patch when you're hothothot. missed you at the barbecue, by the way.
lelly: perhaps for next week i'll show you my hoo chi man trail.
OMG! This is one of the best HNT shots yet. We try to be sooooooooo artsy, soooooooooooooooo beautiful...and you go and show us full-on ass crack.
Criminey. How can I function at work tomorrow, now that I've punctured both of my eyeballs with huge, sharp, red-hot needles after seeing that picture?
(btw... "GAAAAHHH!!! Ouch! Goddamn that hurts." I hope you're happy.)
Crack kills baby!
generik: yes, i am happy now. but not as happy as i would be if you went to an A's game and rooted for them.
mustang: crack kills baby? is that an Enquirer headline? is this something i should look into?
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